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마감 된 공고예요.
K사장님의 근무지
서비스, 기타
주 2일 · 1개월 이상
하루 3시간
일급 170,000
미성년자 지원 가능
서울 용산구 이태원동 230-7
상세 설명
Hello guys! I am looking for a tour guide to give walking food tours in Seoul. It will be for another company that is overseas. If you have a passion for food, this job is for you!  Here are the details of the position: -3 hour walking tour through Seoul (11am-2pm) *the tour dates are whenever the customer books* -You will have to explain the history of the areas and the food -You will need to speak at least basic Korean, the tours will be given in English, but you will need to talk with the shop owners from time to time. -You will need to have a passion for meeting new people and showing them a good time! What is super fun about these tours is that you get to meet new people from all over the world. The tours go super fast and easy to do. If you are interested, please email me and we can discuss further details for the interview. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.
KOOOO22.33.21 가입 ·  활동